Utilizing Store Credit to Encourage Returning Customers In business, it is inevitable that you will have customers return items. The dread of this scenario is the money lost on the item, and the potential loss of the customer. While this scenario is unpleasing, it can be used to turn one-time customers into returning customers. In … Continued
United Airlines Poor Customer Relations On Sunday April 9th, Dr. David Dao was forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight to Louisville, KY. The removal was recorded by serveral passengers and posted online for the world to see. Since posting, people have expressed outrage for United Airlines handling of the episode and expressed empathy for … Continued
ConEdison’s Rate Hikes Affecting Local NYC Economy Small business owners have recently been experiencing the financial consequences of ConEdison’s rate hikes. ConEdison was in talks to institute a three year rate hike with the New York State Public Service Commission. This hike was set to start starting January 2017 and continuing until 2020, respectively (according to hubs.com). Consequently, ConEdison gained … Continued