Business Financing Option is an operations and project based financing solution. Funds from the Business Financing Option are primarily based on future allocation deposits from a current CPO account and on commercial, state, and federal subsidies or tax-credits programs as they applied to your firm’s industry.

The Business Financing Option can be applied with CPO based funding, STC (Subsidy and Tax-Credit) based funding, or a combination of the two.

CPO Based Component       

Qualified. CPO clients are eligible for up to 12 month forward projected CPO allocations. For example, if your monthly allocation has reached $12,000.00 USD, your maximum BFO funding would be a maximum advance of $144,000.00 per advance. Payments are deducted directly from your CPO account with a customizable payment debt to profit threshold. As your CPO account balance and deposit allocations increase overtime (automatically) so does the amount eligible for advance – no direct funding necessary.

BFO helps businesses meet expenses without expensive bank, merchant or short-term loans. BFO was designed to provide capital injection that is built directly into our Computed Proprietary Option infrastructure.

Subsidy and Tax-Credit Based

Our knowledge of commercial, local, state, and federal funding programs that subsidize local business expenses through grants, subsidies and government tax credits allow our specialist to procure funding for business owners in need of financial support for business operations and projects.

Our team of specialists work with business owners to maximize potential credits and funding for all types of businesses – giving peace of mind and much needed simplification. By aggregating all options under one database, Weylan Corp clients get the benefits of a team of strategic partners to make running their business simple and easy.